Still waiting for the German Change! Close all Refugee-Camps, integrate the Refugees! Close the Camp Möhlau in Sachsen-Anhalt – no Prolongation of the Leasing-contract!
- Starting at 1 pm from the railway station Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Twenty Years passed by since the "Change" in Germany, and this country celebrates itself. But there is no freedom and euqality in behalf of the refugees. They are being excluded, assigned into camps and miserable homes, and controlled by the police.
Gouvernement and Media exulting: The Wall has fallen down! Yet the refugees say: There are unvisible walls torn up against us – we are forced to rest in homes and camps, in isolated areas in the periphere of the towns and unvisited places, away from society.
In all federal countries of the federal republic local gouvernements, communes and offices do not frighten back of assigning refugees into old out-of-the-way-barracks, containers and barracks-camps. The tired out condition and the isolated areas of these should meanwhile forbid any placing of human beings. Yet this miserable "Gemeinschaftsunterkünfte" for refugees are existing for great number germany, e. g. camp Motardstr. in Berlin, Alt-Hütten-Dorf in Barnim/Brandenburg, Katzhütte in Thüringen, and the barrack of Möhlau in Sachsen-Anhalt.
The refugee camp Möhlau in Sachsen-Anhalt in the commune of Wittenberg is an old, former barrack of the sowjet-military, in which about two hundred refugees are forced to live in, sometimes for many years. In the first days of november, the home chief Frau Salzmann, the owner of the ground and the offices of Wittenberg will decide about what shall happen with the camp. There' s no question about it, we say:
The Refugee Initiative Möhlau Wittenberg is an Initiative of refugees themselves who united together to express their feelings and sufferings, who are directly affected by the decisions of the local government which include the social welfare and the foreign office to which they were being attributed to live without perspectives. They protest against this system of isolation. We support their call for action in the streets – in order to end up with Lager Möhlau.
The Heim of Möhlau is an old fucked up barrack, 30 kilometres away from the municipal capital Wittenberg, where the Social Office and Foreigners Office are. So the refugees have to do the whole way to the office, and to the medicine and for the shopping as well (about 7 kilometres to Gräfenhainichen) by feet or with a bike. Under any weather-condition! The Bus, except the schoolbus, only goes once in the morning and once in the afternoon. The tickets cannot be afforded with the 20 Euro cash per month. It is impossible for the refugees to participate in everyday society. The children growing up here isolatedly get their stigmatization of being outcasts. In cases of sickness, people have to wait along several days for the document "Krankenschein", they have to organize themselves the travel to the doctor, that is, usually by feet.
We require this:
- Close Möhlau!
- Close any Camps! Give Cash not Chipcards to the refugees!
- Place refugees in own, private Appartments in town places without centralization!
- The carrying on of refugee camps just brings a profit for the owners!
A Bus will go from Berlin to Wittenberg. The Meeting Point is at 9 am the Service "Reisezentrum" at the Alexanderplatz. Please make a reservation of a place at the number 01747477656 or by mail to this address.
Flüchtlingsinitiative Möhlau, unterstützt von No Lager-Halle, Initiative Togo Action Plus, Internationale Liga der Menschenrechte, Antirassistische Initiative Berlin, Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh, Kultur mit Sahne e. V. Wittenberg, Deutsch-Afrikanische Initiative in Dessau, KARAWANE für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen, Kommitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie, Humanistische Union, Jugendliche Ohne Grenzen, Rote Hilfe Hamburg, Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg, Flüchtlingsrat Berlin, Antirassistisch-Interkulturelles Informationszentrum Berlin e. V.
v.i.s.d. p. Togo Action Plus c/o ARI Berlin, Colbestr. 19, 10247 Berlin,